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May 18, 2023

7 min read


防范网络攻击,保护关键数据系统, 各种规模的公共和私营组织都需要将网络安全作为头等大事. 通过网络安全评估, 这有时被称为网络安全风险评估, organizations can get a clearer picture of their vulnerabilities and risk level in terms of data loss due to cyberattacks and the long-term effects of those vulnerabilities.


In this article, 我们将仔细研究为什么组织应该进行评估, who benefits from them and the different types of assessments that serve a range of cyber security objectives. 我们还将介绍执行网络安全评估的分步指南. 


网络安全评估应该是你整体风险管理战略的一个组成部分, 帮助您避免长期和短期风险. 进行网络安全评估 can help you identify potential security threats and vulnerabilities and show you exactly where your organization needs improvement. 


    • 防范数据泄露: Protection against security breaches and the data loss that could result from them is a primary reason to conduct a cyber security assessment. 涉及客户数据泄露或丢失的数据泄露, financial information or intellectual property can have devastating short and long-term consequences, 比如收入损失和对公司品牌的潜在不可挽回的损害. 

  • 为将来的评估提供模板s:因为这种类型的评估不是一次性的测试, performing your first assessment will lay the groundwork for a standardized and repeatable process that can be done on a regular basis, 无论员工更替或业务流程的变化.

  • 避免应用程序停机:通过加强网络安全协议和招聘具有丰富经验的专业人员 网络安全培训, you can make sure customer-facing systems are functioning normally and are available when they need them. 

  • 避免监管问题: 客户数据被盗可被视为未遵守法规的结果. One example of this are the rules and regulations required by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). The HIPAA隐私规则 was enacted to create standards for keeping individuals’ health information private while allowing information to be shared between healthcare providers. Penalties for non-compliance with HIPAA’s Privacy Rule can range from $127 - $63,973 per violation.


Because of the variety of different types of cyberattacks and the reasons cybercriminals carry them out, 任何规模的公司都可以从网络安全风险评估中受益, 特别是随着他们的信息安全政策的发展. 处理和存储大量数据的私营企业,比如电子商务, 首先想到的可能是银行业和医疗行业, 但这并不仅仅是私营企业的问题. Public entities like state and local governments need to be concerned about cyber security as well. 

A 2021 survey from identity management company BeyondTrust showed that work-from-home initiatives, cloud adoption and increased use of IoT (Internet of Things) in the public sector are among the most concerning 政府的网络安全趋势, 正如美国各地的高级安全专家所认定的那样, due to public sector IT teams embracing digital transformation and cloud services in in an effort to create more agile and cost-effective operations to better serve their constituents.

调查指出,虽然这些现代化举措提高了生产率, they have also created new vulnerabilities for cybercriminals to exploit which pose considerable challenges for cyber security teams. 


Just as different diagnostic procedures are used to identify problems in different systems in the body, different 网络安全评估的类型 采用他们自己的方法来实现不同的安全目标. 这些例子包括:

  • 第三方风险评估: This type of assessment is conducted to measure the level of risk that can come with third-party relationships, 例如,对组织数据具有远程访问权限的供应商.

  • 社会工程评估社会工程策略是恶意软件和间谍软件经常传播的方式, 通常是通过电子邮件. 这种评估的目标是审计的水平 网络安全意识 在整个组织中,通过员工秘密访问数据或网络. 通过评估他们的网络卫生知识和发现社会工程企图的能力, 如果需要,可以制定计划来改善网络安全教育.

  • 漏洞评估: These assessments are among the most frequently performed tests in the industry and are usually automated. 它们的功能是检测网络、代码、数据或应用程序中的缺陷. 当发现漏洞时,会实施安全补丁或更新.

  • 渗透测试: Often called ethical hacking,此评估用于测试在脆弱性评估中发现的弱点. 使用与恶意黑客访问数据系统相同的方法, penetration testers scope out a company’s security structures and simulate an attack to identify where security needs to be strengthened.  

  • 云安全评估:对于使用SaaS(软件即服务)的组织至关重要, IaaS(基础设施即服务)或PaaS(平台即服务), 云安全评估可识别基于云的资产面临的风险和威胁. It focuses on uncovering vulnerabilities in cloud infrastructure and neutralizing them using various access control management and governance measures.


网络安全风险评估应该从审查文档开始, 分析基础设施和系统, 采访数据所有者, 管理层和其他员工, followed by a 循序渐进的方法:

1. 确定信息价值和资产优先级

这一步很重要,特别是对于预算和资源有限的企业. 定义用于确定系统中信息价值和确定其优先级的标准. 标准可以包括资产价值、业务重要性和法律地位. 要做到这一点,可以问以下问题:

    • 这些信息对攻击者或我们的竞争对手有多大用处?

    • 如果信息丢失了,可以重新创建吗? 那要花多长时间,要花多少钱?

    • 如果信息是加密的,你有备份吗? 

    • What are the potential financial or legal penalties associated with the loss or compromise of this information? 

    • 这些信息的丢失或泄露会对我们公司的日常运营产生什么影响?

    • 将设备和软件重新联机需要多长时间? 潜在的业务中断是什么样子的?

    • 长期影响呢?? 这种损失或曝光会造成多大的声誉损害?

与你的利益相关者一起创建一个完整的重要资产列表. This includes assets that produce revenue, as well as those that ensure data integrity to your users. 

2. 识别威胁

一旦你确定了组织资产的优先级, 识别威胁,例如事件, individuals, 可能影响您的网络和数据系统的实体或操作. 这些威胁的一些例子是:

    • Data leaks which could occur as the result of poor configuration of cloud services or weak security policies and authentications standards. Here is where the loss of sensitive data like customers’ personal information could lead to a devastating loss of customer trust, 收入和声誉.

    • Insider threats, such as the misuse of information by authorized members of your team can also have devasting effects such as financial or reputational damage, 不管是故意的还是意外的.

    • 服务中断 网络攻击可能会造成突然的双重后果, resulting in a loss of revenue and potentially motivating your customers to take their business elsewhere. 

3. 识别漏洞

即使是最小的漏洞也可能被网络罪犯利用. 通过执行审计报告来识别漏洞, 漏洞分析或软件安全性分析. 解决基于软件的漏洞, 确保你有补丁管理和自动更新. At this stage, you should also make recommendations to address physical vulnerabilities and defend against exploitation of your computing system or keycard access.

4. 在风险评估报告中记录你的结果

Capture the information you’ve collected throughout your assessment in a report that will help management make well-informed decisions on policies, 程序和预算. 报告应该描述价值, 每个威胁的风险和漏洞, 发生的可能性和影响以及缓解建议. An extensive risk assessment report will help you communicate clearly with senior-level stakeholders, 帮助他们了解风险是什么, how they were discovered and what security controls and processes must be implemented to help prevent or combat them.

5. 实施和监控安全控制

根据你们风险评估报告中的信息, 新的安全控制可以实现. 这些可以通过硬件等技术措施来实现, software, 加密和双因素身份验证, 或者是非技术性的,比如钥匙卡访问管理. 确保最佳性能, new security measures should be continuously monitored to ensure they remain secure and are performing as intended. 


如果您想了解如何帮助组织保护其关键数据,我们可以提供帮助. At DeVry, the hands-on learning opportunities built into our Bachelor’s in Information Technology and Networking 网络安全专业 旨在帮助您熟悉网络安全测试, 用于保护系统免受网络攻击的风险因素分析和其他技术. 

Our 未来的网络卫士学者 program offers eligible students access to events and training sessions hosted by leading industry organizations, 以及获得求职资源的途径, 实习机会和学徒制. 

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