



Where Can You Work With an 工程技术 Degree?



Those who prefer a more hands-on experience may find that 工程技术职位 更适合他们吗. But what’s the difference between 工程技术 and engineering? 这两个领域有重叠之处, with both careers using science and math to solve real-world problems.

However, many distinct differences set engineering and 工程技术 apart. Engineering programs will generally have higher-level math and theoretical science curricula, while 工程技术 programs prioritize hands-on laboratory skills such as working through project-based assignments using experimental design.

Difference Between Engineering Tech and Engineering Degrees

Engineering programs focus more on theories and advanced concepts. An engineer’s job is more theoretical and requires scientific and mathematical knowledge. 它通常包括新产品的设计. 工程师可能从事研究和开发工作, may create new products and processes or work in projects related to process management. Those who graduate from engineering programs may consider pursuing graduate school to further hone their interests.

工程技术专业 focus on the application and implementation of ideas and emphasize hands-on learning. Engineering technology graduates may pursue such roles as engineering technicians if they’ve earned an associate degree or engineering technologists if they earned a 学士学位.

Engineering technologists must have extensive knowledge of the equipment and materials needed to design, create, 操作和维护技术产品. Generally, they may estimate project costs and suggest ways to improve productivity. For example, they may perform computer analysis or collect data.


如果他们有适当的教育和技能, engineering technicians will be in good shape to pursue careers within various industries across the U.S. 根据 U.S. 美国劳工统计局(BLS), industries employing the most engineering technicians include 联邦政府, scientific research and development and employment services. There were approximately 117,000 engineering technicians employed in the U.S. in 2020.1

Different fields of 工程技术 will experience varying rates of job growth and demand. 根据 BLS,总体增长率为3%.5% on a national level for engineering technologists and technicians (except drafters) 2020 to 2030.2


Engineering technology graduates can prepare to pursue entry-level positions as technicians or technologists. Individuals who study two-year programs may be interested in pursuing roles as technicians and those who study four-year programs may be interested in pursuing roles as technologists. 根据 BLS, electronics engineering technicians work closely with electrical engineers and work primarily in manufacturing settings, 工程服务, 联邦政府, 研发实验室, 公用事业行业.1

The industries they may find work in include but are not limited to:

    • 医疗技术与卫生保健系统“,
    • 可再生能源
    • 机器学习与设计技术
    • 可持续发展的能力
    • 纳米技术
    • 产品设计


Engineering projects will usually need engineering technologists/technicians. Graduates can typically pursue 工程技术职位 in the four main branches of engineering (chemical, civil, electrical and mechanical) and smaller branches (aerospace, 农业, 生物医学, computer, 环境, 纳米和汽车).

Here are examples of the types of jobs 工程技术 graduates may be prepared to pursue:

    • 电子技术人员
    • 计算机技术人员
    • 现场工程师
    • 机械师
    • 质量工程师
    • 项目工程师
    • 销售工程师


When deciding on where to pursue an 工程技术 degree, 高等教育机构应该被认可. This will ensure that the program meets the high-quality standards of an accrediting body, 例如高等教育委员会(HLC).

此外,找到一个程序,比如我们的 工程技术 bachelor's program, that is accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and 技术 (ABET), which assures that a post-secondary program meets the quality standards of the profession, is a plus. Graduating from an ABET-accredited program means that employers know the education students received met the quality standards needed to succeed in the global workforce. 如果你想读研的话, an ABET accredited ET degree may ease the acceptance into these programs.


Engineering technology can be a good career option for those who want to enter the engineering field and pursue hands-on work. However, it may be helpful for students to choose a post-secondary institution and program that is ABET accredited. 德大学 工程技术学士 (BET)十大赌博平台排行榜符合ABET的严格标准.

