
Dr. 伯特林德斯特伦谈组织变革



劳动力学习解决方案的助理总监,Daisha Hankle,采访了Dr. 伯特林德斯特伦, 老师的椅子, delving into organizational change management (OCM) and how it can benefit an organization. 作为一个正在实施文化转型的组织, 技术, 领导人, 财务状况, 诸如此类, organizational change management is a resource that supports the workforce during these critical changes. 一个有效的OCM领导者的关键技能是关注细节, 情商, 整体思维, 以及做决定的能力.


作为DeVry大学的教授, my colleagues and I are currently exploring the latest trends in our department and specifically on organizational change management (OCM). These are important classes that are held as a part of the MBA at Keller Graduate School and in Human Resource Management.

The first is the impact of remote, hybrid, and onsite staffing models on organizational change. With the pandemic shifting the way we work; it is essential to understand how these different models affect organizational change efforts and how we can adapt to them. 在今天的环境中茁壮成长, 组织不仅需要保持敏捷和关注底线,而且, 员工的身心健康, 企业生产力, 协作, 家庭动力学, 通勤和生活成本.

我们关注的第二个主题是留存率. 随着领导者越来越认识到留住人才的重要性, we are exploring how to create effective change management strategies to retain employees and improve employee engagement. 为了跟上当今的趋势,变革是必要的, while talent acquisition is essential for finding the right people to help drive the organization forward. 通过理解两者的重要性, 组织可以确保他们在未来取得成功.

Lastly, we are looking at the role of professional and personal development in organizational change. We believe that investing in the development of our team members is critical to achieving successful change, and we are exploring new and innovative ways to promote learning and growth in the workplace. 通过跟上这些热门话题和最新趋势, we can better prepare our learners to lead change efforts that make a positive impact on their organizations and communities.


Organizational change can help an organization solve its talent challenges by allowing it to adapt to the changing needs of the workforce. 通过实施灵活的工作安排等变革, 工作重新设计和专业发展计划, 组织可以更好地吸引和留住合适的人才来满足他们的需求. 另外, organizational change can help 领导人 create a culture of innovation and 协作, 怎样才能帮助他们在市场中保持领先地位并保持竞争力.

在DeVry大学, students blend theory and real-work application in our live sessions and in our lessons. The course objectives all revolve around helping students solve organizational change initiatives but also apply what they learn to personal issues or what they’re tackling in their roles.

一个组织如何增加其员工的多样性 & 好处是什么??

组织需要有目的性地增加劳动力的多样性. 重点应放在包容、认可和教育机会上. Diversity enhances decision-making through broader and deeper experiences that are brought to the organization. Sharing these robust experiences opens everyone up topossibilities and helps us discuss not only the “what’s if’s” of a situation, 但也有“如何”和“为什么”的情况. 一次又一次, studies show that diverse organizations also correlate to the highest financial performance.1

How do you see the rise in generative AI (like ChatGPT and Bing) impacting your program – both positively & 消极的?

生成式人工智能的兴起, 比如ChatGPT和Bing, 是否可能对组织变革产生重大影响. 积极的一面, 人工智能可以帮助实现日常任务的自动化, 解放员工,让他们专注于更复杂、更有创意的任务. AI can also help organizations make better decisions by providing data-driven insights. 消极的一面, 随着越来越多的任务自动化,人工智能可能会导致失业, 它还会导致工作场所缺乏人际互动和同理心. My goal in the department is to leverage the newest technologies to benefit our learners through application, 深思熟虑的对话, 以及现实世界的经验. 最终,组织必须适应新技术并利用其优势.

正如我们的总裁兼首席执行官Tom Monahan所说:“我很高兴我们是一所大学. 尤其是以技能为中心的. 我们结合基本专业技能(批判性思维)的能力, 定量的素养, 沟通技巧)以及当前的相关技能(比如Python), Splunk, 2023 GAAP标准)是我们作为一个机构的核心. We even talk about a world of ‘constant technological change’ in our mission statement.”

描述学生如何在你的项目中获得真实的经验, 让他们做好加入劳动力大军的准备.

More than 53% of faculty are current or former practitioners in the field in which they teach.3 Our live lessons also bring faculty and students together to share experiences in real time. In addition to live classes, we hold asynchronous discussions where we exchange ideas. Learners often bring work situations to the classroom where they can gain insight from their professor and other learners.This allows our 领导人 to either apply their learnings at their current job or join the workforce prepared and with the skills they need to help them be successful.


在接下来的10年里, I believe that organizational 领导人hip will continue to evolve and adapt to the ever-changing business landscape. One of the most significant changes we will see is the increased importance placed on diversity, 股本, 包容与归属(DEI&B)在组织内部。. Leaders will need to create and implement strategies that prioritize inclusivity and promote a sense of belonging among employees from diverse backgrounds. 另外, there will be a continued shift towards more collaborative and participative 领导人hip styles, 领导者在哪里授权他们的团队做决定,并对他们的工作负责. 最后, 随着技术的不断进步, 领导人 will need to remain vigilant in staying up-to-date with the latest tools and strategies to optimize their operations and ensure their organizations remain competitive in a rapidly changing market.

1多元化和包容性打造高绩效团队. Gartner(2019年9月)
2多元化必胜:包容性的重要性. 麦肯锡 & 公司(2020年5月)
32022年度影响报告. 十大赌博平台排行榜大学(2023年1月)

关于博士. 伯特林德斯特伦

Dr. 伯特·林德斯特伦(伯特林德斯特伦)是第一代大学毕业生,今年25岁th 教育年限. Dr. 林德斯特伦曾担任院长、教授、系主任和项目主任. 他拥有管理学学士学位, 酒店管理硕士学位, 还有组织领导学的博士学位. 

关于Daisha Hankle

Daisha Hankle天生就是一名教练, 她每天都以自己的座右铭生活, by Jimmy Johnson; “the difference between ordinary and extraordinary is a little EXTRA.” She is a dynamic and energetic webinar facilitator who has spent 15 years honing her training and motivation skills on the sidelines of the basketball court to currently leading 德大学’s corporate virtual workshop program.
